Happy International Women’s Day…
A woman of valor, who can find?
Her presence is her value. Entire worlds are stored in her heart, and they are emboldened by her love.
She does the work that isn’t seen, and rarely asks for more — she holds the home in her bosom, and the hope in her heart for fortune for humankind.
She is everywhere you look; her work brings your sustenance.
She is the teacher.
She is the farmer.
She is the fundraiser.
She is the director.
She is the writer.
She is the actor.
She is the doctor.
She is the principal.
She is the Rabbi.
She is the CEO
She is the intern.
She is the change maker.
She is the instigator.
She is the healer.
She is the mother.
She rises while it is still nighttime, so she can have a moment to herself- and still gives curated breakfasts to her household, and provides for others beyond her doors.
She considers carefully every decision and word; for each of them will be scrutinized and doubted, and she will have to prove her might — again, again and again.
She fights within her body, while to the outside appearing strong and in control.
She senses that her enterprise is good, so her lamp is not extinguished at night- for who will care for it if she sleeps?
At the end of a long day, her hands ache with work twice done.
She helps those in need, near and far, and her heart cries for other women who suffer.
She fears constantly for her household, whether or not they are clothed with scarlet wool. She is living in a world where pandemic and war are her reality.
Bedspreads, linen, clothing, dishes, sweeping- she still does it all. Well known she may be with the elders of the land, guardianship of the home is still her mantle.
She makes and sells, she writes and publishes, she plans and teaches, she gathers and donates, she flies off to to the front lines. She smiles at you, and within her seethe centuries of battles waged to stand where she is now.
She is wise- and if you listened, you would know.
She is kind- and it is a strength to be admired.
She anticipates the needs of her household, classroom, team, office, community, clients — who has time to eat?
Her children rise and call for her; and coffee keeps her going- and her husband brings flowers to the table, while she makes sure those children eat.
She is graceful, she is beautiful, she is strong, she is enough.
She may love G-d, she may meditate, she may find solace in her own ways.
Celebrate her bravery. Celebrate her beauty. Celebrate her strength. Celebrate her wisdom. Celebrate what she does that you can’t see. Celebrate what she does that you do see. Celebrate the teacher, the doctor, the principal, the bookkeeper, the independent baker, the soldier, the mother, the change maker, the instigator, the entrepreneur.
Celebrate her always;
Celebrate her in this world;
Celebrate her today.